
Homeopathy Treatments Homeopathy is a form of alternative medicine that attempts to treat "like with like." The term "homeopathy" was coined by the Saxon physician Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) and first appeared in print in 1807, although he had previously outlined his axiom of medical similars in a series of articles and monographs commencing in 1796.

Homeopathy rests on the premise of treating sick persons with extremely diluted agents that - in undiluted doses - are deemed to produce similar symptoms in a healthy individual. Its adherents and practitioners assert that the therapeutic potency of a remedy can be increased by serial dilution of the drug, combined with succession or vigorous shaking. In common with conventional medicine, homeopathy regards diseases as morbid derangements of the organism. However, homeopathy states that instances of disease in different people differ fundamentally. Homeopathy views a sick person as having a dynamic disturbance in a hypothetical "vital force," and so rejects the standard medical diagnoses of named diseases.

Homeopathy is particularly popular in Europe and India, although less so in the USA, where such therapies have been subject to tighter regulation. Stricter European regulations have also been implemented recently by the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines.

If you're interested in learning more about Homeopathy, visit If you feel you need one or more remedies, please contact me.

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